Thursday, July 30, 2009

What Do You Get After Two Inches of Rain in Two Hours?

Hopefully, rain lilies. This is Zephyranthes sp. 'Labuffarosa'


Annie in Austin said...

Two inches of rain sounds wonderful, Tamara! The rainlilies always seem to know when the water comes from the sky instead of a hose, don't they? We had 1/7th of an inch last week and today my 'Labuffarosea's popped some blossoms, too.

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

Denise said...

Hey, Tamara, long time no chat ;) Great to see you are still blogging. Believe it or not, I was thinking about you the other day and wondering what you were up to!

I was just going through my old site, Creative Exile, for past knitting projects, and remembered that you replied to my query about the tropical hibiscus blooming in my yard. Well, that was another yard, and now we are trying our hand at vegetable gardening at our "new" (2007) place. Egor is hopeless but it's his project, and we do a CSA share to supplement it. Chat with you soon!

Dragonfly Lady said...

I also love rainlilies, check out one of our recent posts on

Rock rose said...

Hi Tamara- Found your blog through Dave's garden. I was reading your article on leeks which I would love to grow. Must look for some seed. I don't exactly have sandy soil but my raised beds are pretty loose so it may work. I only have the white common or garden rain lilies but have planted some yellow ones. Maybe they will be big enough to flower next year. Will check out garden crossings.

Lesley said...

I especially love the first show of the season. A few days after the first good summer rain and they're popping everywhere from the garden beds to the lawn.