Ok, back again after a trip to England and a bout of sheer blog laziness.
I took almost as many photos of plants as I did relatives while visiting family across the Big Pond. Here are some of the more interesting/appealing ones (of plants, not relatives):
These Giant Gunnera are pretty common creekside sites around the southwest part of England, where we spent part of our trip. That's my DH posing by this specimen. He was convinced I'd order one of these upon our return to the States, but I know better.
The English are crazy for gardening, and most of them are pretty darn good at it. I had terrible dahlia envy while passing through the many lovely neighborhoods.
These gorgeous clematis were growing all along a fence outside of Dunster Castle.
Inside the castle grounds were some lovely landscaping displays.
I'd never seen a variegated maple tree before; they are apparently pretty common in Europe.
The formal garden outside of Kensington Palace in London.
Another view of the Kensington Palace formal garden.
Back soon with news about what's going on in my own backyard...
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