Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Kinda Purty

Ok, so, by Northern U.S. standards, it was a fairly pathetic dusting of snow that "crippled" the DFW metroplex last night. The snowfall was very pretty to watch as it came down, though.

I was worried about my lettuce sprouts in a container on the patio, but they seem to have bounced right back after the snow melted today.


Anonymous said...

I'm kind of jealous... but mostly I'm thankful that the snow didn't reach Austin. My first rose is in full bloom.

Kate said...

Looks like everybody got more snow than they bargained for this winter. I live in NH, where we had snowfall until just last week. So it's only because most of it has cleared now that I can bear to look at this photo! :) Glad your lettuce is still healthy.