Monday, May 14, 2007

Worshiping the Devil

Seems that the Louisiana Iris show is over for now. I expect more will bloom next spring, and I remain pleasantly surprised at how many emerged for me this year.

Pictured below is a plant I've been trying to grow for a long time without success, until now. It is Dracunculus vulgaris, commonly known as Devil's Tongue, Dragon Arum, Voodoo Lily, and a host of other colorful common names.

I estimate that the spathe is still about a week from opening. When it does unfurl, the first day's stench is supposed to be comparable to sewage...! (This flower is pollinated by flies rather than bees, so that makes sense.)

Unlike all the times I tried to grow it before, the two Dracunculus in this bed are getting complete shade and are in the richest of yummy, rich soils. And, like everything this spring, they're receiving plenty of rain.

More pics to come as the Grand Opening approachs...


Iowa Gardening Woman said...

How interesting. I have seen Voodoo lilies advertised in catalogs that supposedly will grow on your windowsill without even being potted, I knew you couldn't trust those catalog pictures :).

Christina said...

Your iris are spectacular, but this, this is fascinating. You must post a pic when it blooms.

Happy day!

lisa said...

Oooh cool! I've been trying to grow this, too-can't wait to see yours!