Monday, November 20, 2006

Unlike Any Other

Well, we're being treated to a fabulous fall here in North Texas. The temperatures have remained mostly above freezing well after our expected first frost date (generally around 11/15) and the 10-day forecast continues in the same pattern. We'll get a slight morning frost on rooftops, but it warms so quickly that none of the plants really feel it. My coleus are pristine. One of the cannas by the swimming pool is in the process of blooming.

In my 17 years here, I don't remember it staying this nice for this long. I am grateful, as I still haven't moved most of my tropicals into the house yet. Or propagated any of the annuals. Or planted all the perennials lounging in pots on the patio.

Here's how the one backyard bed looked as of November 12. Pretty incredible.

Husband and I are taking the week after Thanksgiving off work, though, and with the weather being so cooperative, I hope to get caught up on everything indoors and out...including the many pictures I've promised to produce here, but haven't yet.

Things can change dramatically and quickly here, though, as I witnessed nearly a year ago. For now, it's wonderful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's been beautiful down here in Austin, too--quite chilly in the mornings but the sun warming us up to the 60s or 70s in the afternoon. I spent all day yesterday fiddling around in the garden.

I agree with your observation that this seems late for such pleasant weather. It seems more like October to me. I have made many an unpleasant drive up IH35 to the DFW area for Thanksgiving. For some reason, the first bad storm of the season with its accompanying ice and sleet always seemed to hit the day before Thanksgiving. Well, I'll be out in the garden as long as it lasts--making hay while the sun shines.

Happy Thanksgiving!